
Our Origin

«Made In» - Planet Earth

We at ICERTIAS value diversity. Primarily for that reason, our services and products are the result of the work of leading world experts, not from one country - but from many countries - from all over the world

ICERTIAS is a global organisation with legal headquarters in Switzerland, Zurich. ICERTIAS is internationally present with its services and products in more that 40 countries on five continents. Just as we offer our services and products to a number of world markets, we also use services and products from a variety of sources - from all over the world. Our intent is always to provide the best user experience and the best service at the most reasonable prices, and with this objective, we choose our services and products at the location we think is at the moment the most ideal. We believe that through the diversity of sources we attain the excellence that is the final ICERTIAS service.

Below you can find a list of the most common services and products conducted by ICERTIAS and their origin:

  • Executive Board: Switzerland, EU
  • Administration: Switzerland, EU
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping: Switzerland
  • Legal: Switzerland, EU, other countries
  • Market Research: EU
  • Market Analysis: Switzerland, EU, other countries
  • Data Sources: Switzerland, EU, other countries
  • Origin of Software and Hardware: USA, EU, other countries
  • Web Design and Maintenance: EU
  • Data Servers Locations: Switzerland, EU, USA
  • Customer Support: EU
  • Research and Development: Switzerland, EU
  • Print and Copy: Switzerland, EU
  • Medal and Award Design: Switzerland, EU
  • Medal and Award Manufacturing: EU